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Beast Mastery PVP Talent Build in WOW Legion

I know that it's still a bit early because WOW legion is still in alpha, but I think I should make a PVP Talent Build Posts already.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Legion Hunter changes - 11.05.2016

It's been awhile since my last Hunter post, but I had to spare more time to work and the university.
I assume that everyone are familiar with the different Hunter Specs in WOW Legion, that's why I just want to make a little update.

Let me know what do you think about the way Hunters will be in WOW Legion...I have a good feeling :)

Beast Mastery

  • A Murder of Crows -  Summons a flock of crows to attack your target, over the next dealing [(117% of Attack power) * 16] Physical damage over 15 sec. When a target dies while affected by this ability, its cooldown will reset.

  • Blink Strikes  - Your pet's Basic Attack deals 50% increased damage, can now be used from 30 yards away, and will instantly teleport your pet behind its target. Your pet can teleport only once per 20 sec.


  •  Bursting Shot  - Fires an explosion of bolts at all enemies in front of you, knocking them back, disorienting them for until cancelled 4 sec, and dealing 40% Physical damage.

  •  Marked Shot  - Rapidly fires shots at all targets with your Hunter's Mark, dealing 225% Physical damage and Patient Sniper marking them with Deadeye for until cancelled.8 sec.
MM Talents

  •  A Murder of Crows  - Summons a flock of crows to attack your target, dealing [(117% of Attack power) * 16] Physical damage over 15 sec. When a target dies while affected by this ability, its cooldown will reset.

  •  Lock and Load -  Your ranged auto attacks have a 10% chance to trigger Lock and Load, causing your next two Aimed Shots to cost no Focus and be instant.


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