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Saturday, March 15, 2014

From Tier 1 to Tier 16

Do you have a favorite hunter PVE set ?

Do you know how all of them look like ?

This post is just a short review of the Hunter sets from Tier 1 to Tier 16. For me the main reason of this post is to find a replacement of Tier you know, I hate that set, so I want to replace it with older and better one.

I'll be very happy if you suggest some of the sets as better looking, because it's very hard for me to choose and I need other opinion.

So tell me ...which one is the best looking of all the hunter PVE sets ?

Giantstalker(tier 1)

Dragonstalker(tier 2)

Cryptstalker(tier 3)

Demonstalker(tier 4)

Riftstalker(tier 5)

Gronnstalker(tier 6)

Cryptstalker(tier 7)

Scourgestalker(tier 8)

Windrunner's(tier 9)

Bloodhunter(tier 10)

Lightning-charged(tier 11)

Flamewaker(tier 12)

Wyrmstalker(tier 13)

Yangolslayer(tier 14)

Saurokstalker(tier 15)

Unblinking vigil(tier 16)

Please let me know which one is the best looking set for you ? I will help me choose my transmogrification :)


  1. I'm a big fan of Dragonstalker, Original cryptstalker, and Netherstalker

  2. Gronn Stalker is what I like most, and is what I use.

    1. I don't know why so many people on facebook and om reddit don't like the Gronnstalker set :(




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